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Архитектурная фантазия
Architectural Fantasy

1 декабря - 21 сентября 2020 года 180 участников
Победитель/Winner —Diana Londono

Фантазии над Лагуной.
Imaginations over the Lagoon.

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Andrey Svistunov

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Author: Andrey Svistunov

Imaginations over the Lagoon. The architect determines the composition of the decorations, exposes the light and sharpens the replicas to play his play with dignity. But sometimes a small intermedia played out in the sky over Laguna breaks into his designs, setting the tone of the whole play and allowing to feel the limit of his possibilities. 1) Prossima fermata San Marco. (Line 1 will help you not to be alone, even if the end of the route is Piazzale Roma. Mirages standing right before the settled wave of vaparetto will no longer give you peace, even though, only you were awarded the right to this vision...) 2) The Promenade. (When in the crowded, hot hall to become the only thought, the only delusion the fastest end of action, even a vivifying drink of cold air is not able to convince of genius, even of talent of the author. All force and an iskrometnost of action are insignificant near a usual afternoon promenade …) 3) The Final. (All – both the audience and actors expect the final scene with impatience, and, by the way, absolutely it is unclear which of them expects more …) 4) Andante. (When steps a booming echo jump aside from the walls squeezing in the tenacious, mute embraces, even the accidental side lane seems undeserved hope...) 5) Walls to the sky. (Looking at the top - through the dried linen confused in the ropes - to understand that the walls sometimes come to the sky - to do something - to think a little about eternal - to finish your morning coffee and be a little late for the meeting, but, of course, only a little...)

Размеры рисунка или рисунков (в см) / Sizes of the Drawing/Drawings (cm): 1) 45 x 61 cm. 2) 28 x 38 cm. 3) 28 x 37 cm. 4) 27 x 37 cm. 5) 25 x 35 cm.

Drawing technique / Техника исполнения : Watercolor on paper / Акварель, бумага

Год исполнения / Year of the Drawing: 2019


